Master Theses Supervision
If you want to write your Master thesis with us, we will happily consider your application. In order for you to make an informed choice whether to apply or not, please do note the following:
When supervising Master theses, we consider it our responsibility to ensure that a given topic
1) Addresses a relevant gap, which can
2) Feasibly be addressed over the course of (the equivalent of) six months full time work by a candidate at Master level.
We retain the right to decide whom we supervise. While we neither need nor do justify related decisions on a case-by-case basis, we do take them in the best interest of both the candidate and our Subject Area (see also below, “Allocation of Thesis Topics”). In this process, we do not apply a standard evaluation scheme but instead assess each case on its own. That being said, and in order for you to manage your expectations, it should be obvious that prior knowledge about the candidate’s skills in pursuing independent academic work – as obtained from observing her in prior courses during the “Strategic Management” specialization, notably during the Master seminar – factors in heavily. We therefore recommend that you only apply for supervision once you have passed our Master seminar.
Candidates pursuing the Minor in Strategic Management only, please find more information here.
Finally, we recommend that you only apply for thesis supervision if you can dedicate six months of your full capacity over the course of the coming 12 calendar months.