Research Grants

Over the past, our research has been generously supported by various research funding agencies worldwide. We gratefully acknowledge prior and current support below.

Funded projectFunding bodyPeriodTotal sum granted
Organizational Design for Novel Organizational FormsAustrian Science Agency (FWF)2014-2020333.291 €
Firms' Scope Decisions in High-Technology System IndustriesAustrian National Bank Anniversary Funds2014-2018107.915 €
R&D allocations across System IndustriesLondon Business School20115.000 UK£
VariousLondon Business School Research and Materials Development2007-201151.200 UK£
Faculty Network for Intellectual Property Strategy and EconomicsThe Danish Social Science Council2003-2007800.000 DKK
COMBI Biotech Research CenterThe Danish Social Science Council2003-2006270.000 DKK
Intellectual Property and Knowledge FlowsThe Australian Research Council2003-20057.500 €
Intellectual Property StrategyThe Copenhagen Business School Presidential Funds2003-2005200.000 DKK