Module 5/Economics Module


In this module, you can choose either 1 course with 8 ECTS or 2 courses with 4 ECTS each.

Specific rules apply to Module 5 in Summer term 2017:

You may complete this module with 040036 UK Social Choice.

For students who are starting with Module 5 in Summer term 2016, you may also choose 040831 UK Auction theory and Applications (8 ECTS).

Please note that we cannot forecast which classes will be available in Winter term 2017/18, since courses are subject to change.


Specific rules apply to Module 5 in Winter term 2016/17:

This semester there is unfortunately no 8 ECTS course on offer.

You may complete the 8 ECTS (if you already completed a 4 ECTS Econ class in a previous semester) with one of the following classes:

040243 VO Entscheidungs- und Spieltheorie (MA) or

040626 KU Spieltheorie (MA).


Specific rules apply to Module 5 in Summer term 2016:

Since Competition Policy will not be offered in Summer term 2016 (and it currently looks unlikely that it will be offered in the future either), you may complete this module with 040036 UK Social Choice.

For students who are starting with Module 5 in Summer term 2016, you may also choose 040831 UK Auction theory and Applications (8 ECTS).

Please note that we cannot forecast which classes will be available in Winter term 2016/17, since courses are subject to change.


Specific rules apply to Module 5 in Winter term 2015/16:

Please note that the courses offered are subject to change.

040626 Spieltheorie 4 ECTS

040051 Competition Policy 4 ECTS - Please note that Competition Policy will not be offered in Winter term 2015/16.

Important: Due to a limited number of courses available in Winter term 2015/16, students who have already completed "040626 Spieltheorie" in a previous semester, may choose one of these two classes to complete Module 5.

040138 Formale Modellbildung in der Ökonomie (BA) - Einführung in die formale Modellbildung

040163 <abbr title="Übung">UE</abbr> Theory of imperfect competition (BA)

This is an exception valid only in Winter term 2015/16.


General information:

Please further note that you can receive credit for every class only once, i.e. if you have already attended either of the two classes above and it's been credited, you may not chose this option.

The classes in Module 5 may be offered in a different format from term to term (due to the changing range of classes) since we unfortunately cannot guarantee availability in subject areas outside our own.